Efficiency meets intelligence

Improving your Health
One Breath at a Time

H2 inhalation is natural, non-toxic therapy with clinical and wellness indications Hydrogen as a medical gas is also growing because it has immediate medical applications to help with many of the current health crises. Reducing oxidative stress improves, redox homeostasis and modulates signal transduction, protein phosphorylation, gene expression, which provides its anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy and anti-apoptotic protective effects.


Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy

Molecular hydrogen gas inhalation is a direct treatment technique and the most effective mechanism of delivery. It is a straightforward therapeutic method that requires a hydrogen generator. Hydrogen gas generator uses an electric cell to split sterilized water to H2 and O2. The result in an output of breathing in gas made up to 66.6% H2 and 33.3% O2.
The technology used is Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM). High tech PEM technology produces hydrogen with a purity of 99.9995 %. It is the safest way to produce hydrogen gas for inhalation at hospitals and homes.
It takes around 20 minutes for hydrogen to reach cells in all parts of your body. Reaches peak plasma level to about 30 minutes. Upon cessation of inhalation, the return to baseline occurs in about 60 minutes.
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Benefits of H2 Inhalation

H2 inhalation is natural, non-toxic therapy with clinical and wellness indications Hydrogen as a medical gas is also growing because it has immediate medical applications to help with many of the current health crises.Reducing oxidative stress improves, redox homeostasis and modulates signal transduction, protein phosphorylation, gene expression, which provides its anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy and anti-apoptotic protective effects.

Useful for traumatic injuries or acute disorders such as traumatic brain injury, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, fatigue, cognitive impairment, pain, inflammation, obesity etc. Reduces oxidative stress by targeting the most harmful free radicals which damage your DNA and cause premature aging.

Due to its small size H2 easily crosses biomembranes, the blood brain barrier and access parts of the cells that other antioxidants are unable to reach. Molecular hydrogen attacks and neutralizes free radicals by bonding with the oxygen molecule turning them into water. The hydrogen quickly bonds with the radicals removing oxidation stress and providing quick relief.

Anti-inflammatory effects, selective anti-oxidant, participates in gene expression, anti-allergic effects, anti-cellular death, anti-ageing, reduces aches and pain, protective to skin, cardio protective, increases metabolism, decreases muscle fatigue, anti-diabetic effects, anti-cancer, improve cognitive function, protects DNA and RNA, anti-tumour effects, cytotoxic protection, neuroprotective, radiation protection with zero toxic effects.

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Discover More About Glad Hydrogen

Glad Hydrogen Experience Center is aimed at showcasing the therapeutic potential of molecular hydrogen. As the first company to manufacture hydrogen inhalation machines, we offer a unique hands-on experience where visitors can learn about the benefits of molecular hydrogen, and its potential to improve health and well-being. Are you interested in becoming a part of this exciting journey? Partner with us to set up your own Glad Hydrogen Experience Center as a franchise. Click here to know more about the franchise opportunities and how you can contribute to a healthier future. Please refer to our company overview for more details.

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We're seeking passionate individuals to join the Glad Hydrogen revolution by opening their own Glad Hydrogen Experience Center. Download our comprehensive partnership form. Once completed, simply email your form to our CEO  at ceo-md@gladh2.com. We look forward to reviewing your application and discussing how you can contribute to a healthier tomorrow

Team Members

The Team behind our services

With a passion for innovation and a dedication to excellence, we bring diverse expertise to every project we undertake.


Pious Sebastian

Founder & Managing Director


Naveen Johnson

Chief Operating Officer - gladh2


Alex Joshy

Head- Research & Development

Glad H2 Dr. Lalith Kumar. G

Dr. Lalith Kumar

Chief Consultant , Integrative & Preventive Oncology,


Dr Shikku Poulose

Molecular Hydrogen Therapy specialist

Dr. Chetan Jaywant

Molecular Hydrogen Therapy specialist


Cilvania Dominic

H2 Consultant - Glad Hydrogen

Customer Testimonials

Discover what our clients are saying

The best way to showcase our commitment is through the experiences and stories of those who have partnered with us.

I got my hydrogen machine shortly after contracting COVID. I breathed hydrogen and made water throughout the day and noticed my cough got better within a day,

Jessy Varghese

No need to spend thousands on supplements every month! I personally recommend Glad Hydrogen Clinic which provides high quality H₂ inhalation machines


India's First, Hydrogen Inhalation Machine Manufacturer

Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy

Process /How it Works?

Antioxidant effects of molecular hydrogen inhalation therapy research first started in Japan and is being continued in well-accredited medical universities in the United States, Europe and China. Out of all elements hydrogen is the smallest molecule, so it can pass through anywhere within the body. This molecular hydrogen is inhaled through the nostrils rapidly spreading through the lungs, to the skin tissues, blood vessels, bones and even to the eyes and the brain that ultimately acts as an antioxidant, anti- inflammatory and antiapoptotic(anti cell death) agent. The main reason for this is because H2 helps attenuate excessive oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which are at the root of virtually every disease and pathology. Our H2 machines can also be used to make hydrogen water to drink.
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Frequently asked questions

If you're new or looking for answers to your questions, this guide will help you learn more about our services and their features.

Hydrogen has been granted GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) status by the FDA and the studies since 1940s shows no toxic effects of hydrogen consumption. Each molecule of H2 can convert two hydroxyl radicals into water, thus hydrating your cells. Therefore, even at high concentrations, H2 has zero toxicity. Any excess H2 simply gets released from the body.

Both inhalation and drinking have the same therapeutic effects. The amount of H2 delivered to the body differs. In room temperature maximum amount of hydrogen that can dissolve in 1 liter of water is 1.6 mg (0.0016g). However, using a hydrogen generator for inhalation purpose for 30 minutes is equivalent of drinking 18,000 bottles of 2 liter hydrogen water bottles. Hence, molecular hydrogen gas inhalation is a direct treatment technique and most effective mechanism of delivery.

Molecular hydrogen is a perfect antioxidant mediator, anti- inflammatory, anti- allergic and anti- apoptotic molecule. Thus, it can attenuate oxidative stress, improve cellular function and reduce chronic inflammation which are associated with etiology of different illness.

To get an intended therapeutic effect it is advisable to undergo 8 hours of H2 inhalation within a period of 3 weeks. It takes around 20 minutes for hydrogen to reach cells in all parts of your body. Reaches peak plasma level in about 30 minutes. Upon cessation of inhalation the return to baseline occurs in about 60 minutes.

Hydrogen selectively neutralizes cytotoxic hydroxyl radicals (OH-). Although H2 reduces OH radicals, it may not occur via direct scavenging. Indeed, hydrogen is selective because it is a weak antioxidant and thus not neutralize important ROS or disturb important biological signaling molecules. Unlike conventional antioxidants, hydrogen does have the ability to reduce excessive oxidative stress, but only under conditions where the cell is experiencing abnormally high levels of oxidative stress that would be harmful and not hermetic.

Every time we breathe in, 2% of the oxygen that enters our bodies turns into bad oxygen (free radicals) that oxidises us. This bad oxygen can be converted into good oxygen if we give it an antioxidant electric charge. If it does not get this charge from antioxidants, it robs our cells, making them sick or killing them, a process known as oxidation. An industrialised lifestyle tends to raise oxidation levels due to poor diet, pollution, stress, etc. As we get older we also need more antioxidants, because our bodies generate fewer antioxidant enzymes.